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Category Archives: Health

Speed walking.

Speed walking is walking at a brisk pace, usually 3 mph or greater. Your heart rate is elevated during speed walking. You can burn more calories per minute by speed walking rather than walking body at your usual pace. Power walking is usually considered from 3 mph

Benefits of cardio exercise.

Walking and running are both aerobic cardiovascular, or cardio exercise. According to researchers, some of the health benefits of cardio include: Cardiovascular exercise is also good for your mental health. One study found that both running and walking can reduce anxiety and depression. It can also improve your

Walking and exercise.

Walking is an excellent, inexpensive exercise choice that can help you both lose weight and improve your cardiovascular health. If you’re looking to trim down, you may be wondering how many calories you can burn doing this activity. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, as your burn

What about manuka honey?

Research shows that manuka honey — which comes from the nectar of the manuka bush (Leptospermum scoparium), a plant native to New Zealand — may offer additional benefits. In fact, this type of honey may have potent antimicrobial properties, potentially protecting against harmful pathogens and bacteria in

Is it true or not? Frozen food is dangerous to the body.

Is it true or not? Frozen food is dangerous to the body. There are many options for frozen food. Either meat, fruit, or dessert, plus both convenient and delicious, but is it actually good or harmful to the body? UFABET has good information from the program “ Did You Know? Do you know?

3 ways to reduce “belly” properly and sustainably

3 ways to reduce “belly” properly and sustainably “belly” is an organ that no one wants. Because in addition to spoiling the personality. The shape is not beautiful. Having can dangerous sign. That you may at risk for certain diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, fatty liver, and others.

“Dying hair – coloring hair” often, how dangerous is it?

“Dying hair – coloring hair” often, how dangerous is it? Hair color trends aren’t just popular with women. But it is also a trend that many men interest in as well. Especially with technology to change hair color is easy. and more convenient can done at the shop You can